Newport Transfer Station – Newport, NC
A Solid Design: Newport Receives Upgraded, Expanded Transfer Station
The Coastal Regional Solid Waste Management Authority (CRSWMA) is the only public authority in North Carolina that operates landfill facilities. The CRSWMA has an average intake of 800 tons per day. LaBella has been working with the CRSWMA since 2003.
In January 2021, we were selected to design an upgrade and expansion of a transfer station so that the existing transfer station could be used for C&D waste and hurricane debris and a new municipal solid waste (MSW) transfer station could be constructed on the same property.
The design included new scales, a new scale house, a new 3,500 sq. ft. office/maintenance building, new covered trailer storage areas comprising 13,500 sq. ft. of space, a new leachate tank, a relocated yard waste storage area, and a new 13,000 sq. ft. MSW transfer station building, all the while ensuring safe traffic flow.
LaBella provided turnkey design services, including architectural, MEP and fire protection engineering, structural engineering, and civil engineering services, as well as site plan and land disturbance permit applications. Additionally, we prepared construction documents and bid documents and performed bid phase and construction phase services.