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In Session: Fall 2018

School Is Safely in Session


This fall, LaBella was proud to host two live learning seminar for educators. We repeated our Introduction to Capital Projects program (which is especially popular with new and emerging administrators), and hosted a new program focused on school security.

Our Capital Projects program is well established, and we can confidently say our presenters are experts, capable of fielding any question. In contrast, school security is a topic where definitive answers seem to be in short supply.

As LaBella Project Architect Michael Place, AIA, thoughtfully writes in our feature article, securing our schools requires input from law enforcement, educators, architects, and the public. We look for any opportunity to listen and learn from these groups, and want to share and build on what we’ve learned as architects.

Our commitment is to continually be at the forefront of the role architecture has to play in solving the issue. We hope you will find this issue’s articles relevant and informative. Let us know if there’s a topic we can explore for you by contacting us at

School’s In Session

It’s easy to rest on the expertise acquired in over 30 years of design for K-12.  We’ve completed over $800 million in Capital Projects for schools and along the way we’ve learned a thing or two.

However, we believe experience alone isn’t enough to add real value to our clients. Just as our industry and business has evolved, so has education.  The science of learning has advanced, and so too must our classrooms.

In Session is an awareness that for us, school is always in session. We continue to seek opportunities to learn from experts in pedagogy, benchmark projects from across the country, and explore new material and technology applications.  We spend time researching the questions and issues facing our clients and share what we learn here with you.

  • Este campo es un campo de validación y debe quedar sin cambios.