Water Supply & Resource Planning
Water Resource Evaluation & Planning Services
- Drinking Water Source Protection Plans
- Aquifer and Watershed Management Plans
- Monitoring Networks for Streams and Aquifers
- Watercourse Services Associated with Streams, Shorelines, and Dam Removal
- Detailed Mapping of Groundwater and Water Resources for Natural Resource Inventories, Open Space, and Comprehensive Plans
- Sustainable Septic System Density Analyses
- Aquifer Safe Yield Evaluations and Watershed Water Budgets
- Subdivision and Site Plan Review
- Zoning Amendments for Aquifer, Drinking Water, and Wetlands/Watercourse Protection
- Water Conservation and Reuse Programs
- Climate Resilience Planning

Water Supply Services
- Preliminary Groundwater Feasibility Assessments
- Mapping of Aquifers and Bedrock Fracture Traces
- Exploratory Test Drilling
- Production Well Siting
- Well Design and Well Installation Oversight
- Pumping Test Design, Supervision, and Analysis
- Evaluation of Pumping Impacts
- Pumping Test Reports for Engineering Reports, Environmental Review, and Permitting
- Wellfield Rehabilitation

Recent Insight
Improving Affordable Housing Through the NYS Environmental Bond Act of 2022
Check out our “Deconstructing the New York Environmental Bond Act of 2022” series to learn how the Act will affect the affordable housing market.