Monroe One BOCES – 2019 Capital Improvement Plan – Phase 2 Site Work
Identifying and Designing Traffic Patterns to Improve Safety for Students and Staff
As part of Monroe One BOCES’ 2019 Capital Improvement Plan, LaBella teamed with the District to design numerous vehicular and pedestrian improvements at the Fairport, New York, campus.
At the project’s onset, LaBella conducted a vehicular and pedestrian observation report to identify safety issues with existing traffic circulation patterns. This report was used throughout the design process to shape the proposed improvements, which included separating vehicular and passenger traffic, adding internal bus parking to eliminate bus queuing on adjacent roads, reorienting parking spaces to reduce driver confusion, and adding crosswalks, signage, and fencing to direct pedestrian traffic to appropriate zones.
The site’s high groundwater table and steep parking lot slopes created challenges for grading and drainage. Retrofitting the site to meet current ADA accessibility standards was also a priority throughout the project. Extensive coordination was required to integrate the new canopy and masonry work with the existing site. The project required agency approvals from the New York State Education Department, the Town of Perinton, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the Monroe County Department of Health, and the Monroe County Water Authority.
The project significantly improved campus safety for students and staff.