Wetlands & Ecological Services

Preservation and progress in equal measure.

The importance of protecting our environment cannot be overstated. With the right team, preservation and progress can often be equally accommodated. Our wetland and ecological services are focused on advancing your project goals while preserving our natural resources and those that call it home.

LaBella has provided a wide range of wetland and ecological services on a variety of project types. We tailor our approach to each client’s needs, and have worked with utility companies, municipalities, developers, and more.

Understanding applicable regulations and requirements can be confusing. Our staff are experts in federal, state, and local requirements and procedures. We understand the importance of keeping projects on schedule and on budget. Once wetland and ecological impacts are identified, our team can walk you through your options and help keep your project on track.

Talk to a LaBella Expert

Shelby Sova
Rochester Program Manager
Rochester, NY

(585) 295-6618

Meredith Ellis, CE
Eastern New York Program Lead
Albany, NY

(518) 903-8386 x7724

Eric Prunchak, PWS
North Carolina Environmental Manager
Charlotte, NC

(704) 941-2163

Wetland and Ecological Services

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> 20,000

Total acreage of field studies performed in the past 5 years


Total mileage of field studies performed in the past 5 years


Threatened and endangered species worked with

Wetlands & Streams

Our diversified experience includes projects of all sizes, from delineating wetlands and streams on individual residential lots to large-scale project sites spanning multiple parcels, towns, and counties in major watersheds.

Our team is knowledgeable in wetland laws and regulatory requirements for federal, state, county, and local municipalities. LaBella’s wetland professionals are highly trained in current methodologies for delineating federal and state regulated resources.

When impacts to wetlands and streams cannot be avoided, permitting is required. Wetland and stream permitting is a complicated process that is project and region specific, with many agencies involved. We utilize our established relationships with regulatory agencies to ensure that projects are advanced in a timely manner and the goals of the project are met.

LaBella’s staff is experienced in wetland and stream mitigation, including wetland and stream creation, restoration, enhancement, and monitoring programs that ensure the successful establishment of created wetlands and streams. In addition, we can expertly advise clients on the use of wetland in-lieu fee and mitigation bank programs and purchasing credits for projects that require compensatory mitigation.

Our Wetland & Stream Service Capabilities

LaBella offers permitting and compliance services throughout Eastern US and some Central US regions. From identification of wetland areas to regulatory compliance, our services include:

  • Wetland & Stream Assessments, Delineations, & Jurisdictional Determinations
  • Wetland & Stream Mitigation, Restoration, & Enhancement Design
  • Wetland Mitigation Site Implementation & Monitoring
  • Floodplain Permitting
  • Wetland & Stream Reporting & Mapping
  • Wetland & Stream Federal, State, & Local Regulatory Permitting
  • Perennial Flow Determinations
  • GIS Mapping & Analysis
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Ecological Services

LaBella’s knowledgeable ecological team ensures protection of ecological habitats and compliance with regulations while also taking care of our clients’ interests. Our ecological professionals are highly trained in federal and state regulations associated with rare, threatened, and endangered species.

We have very diversified project experience related to protected habitat and species ranging from rare plant surveys on small development parcels to multi-year protected bird surveys. In addition, we have experts on staff with federal and state licenses and certifications to perform presence/absence surveys and handle protected species.

Protected species regulations and permitting requirements vary based on the location and potential impacts of your project. Throughout project development, our team is able to advise clients on avoidance, minimization, mitigation, and conservation measures to help projects not affect protected species and/or habitats.

Our staff is also very knowledgeable about the incidental take permit process with both federal and state agencies when impacts to protected species habitat are unavoidable.

Our Ecological Service Capabilities

We believe in the importance of protecting natural habitats and the species that call them home. Our ecological services include:

  • Vegetation Management & Wildlife Studies
  • Natural Resource Surveys & Analyses
  • Rare, Threatened, & Endangered, Species Studies, Surveys, Evaluation. & Monitoring
  • Habitat Assessments
  • Protected Species Reporting & Mapping
  • Invasive Species Surveys
  • Winter Raptor, Forest Raptor, & Breeding Bird Surveys
  • Federal & State Agency Coordination
  • Edinger Community Studies
  • GIS Mapping & Analysis
  • Incidental Take Permits
  • Pollinator Plans
  • Specialist Species Services:
    • Small Whorled Pogonia, Karner Blue Butterfly, Blanding’s Turtle, & Phase II Bog Turtle Surveys
    • Bat Acoustic Surveys
    • Rattlesnake Surveys & Handling
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Small Whorled Pogonia Survey Season

The Small Whorled Pogonia is a species of orchid that is currently threatened due to habitat loss and degradation. Small Whorled Pogonia is protected by both federal and state endangered species laws and can be found in Eastern US states and into Canada.

If you have an upcoming project, it is important to survey for this protected species. The survey window is almost here (varies by state but is generally May through July).

LaBella has environmental scientists certified to survey for Small Whorled Pogonia and are able to differentiate between Small Whorled Pogonia and other similar species which are not on the endangered list.

If you need a survey, please contact us so we can get you on the schedule.

Proposed Reclassification of Northern Long-Eared Bat

The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) recently announced the publication of a Proposed Rule in the National Register to reclassify the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. A Final Rule is scheduled to be published by November 2022, with the Final Rule (new regulations) effective 30 days later in December 2022.

It is anticipated that tree clearing restrictions, similar to those currently in place for the federally listed endangered Indiana bat, will be implemented for NLEB. The USFWS will likely review proposed projects for not only time of year restrictions on tree clearing, but also the acreage of trees to be removed.

LaBella’s team of biologists can help answer any questions regarding the proposed regulatory changes and how the reclassification of NLEB may affect your ongoing and upcoming projects. We can also assist in guiding you through the regulatory process so your project remains in regulatory compliance.

Contact us with any questions you may have!

Featured Insight

Endangered Species Day

Celebrated the third Friday in May, Endangered Species Day was established by Congress in 2006 to promote the importance of protecting endangered species and highlight actions that have been taken to conserve species since the passing of the Endangered Species Act in 1973.

LaBella has specialists on staff to perform endangered and threatened species surveys and habitat assessments for a myriad of species. Celebrate Endangered Species Day with us by learning about a few of the endangered and threatened species our team works with every day.

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