Solid Waste Engineering and Environmental Services for York County, SC

The Lucky Seven (Years): LaBella Serves as Solid Waste Consultant for York County

LaBella served as York County’s solid waste consultant from 2013 to 2020. During that time, we provided a range of engineering services to the County, including the following:

  • Landfill Permitting & Design Services
  • Environmental Services
  • Convenience Center Permitting & Design Services
  • Topographic Surveys & Capacity Reporting
  • Financial Assurance & Financial Planning Services

Examples of Our Project Experience With York County

Landfill Permitting & Design Services

We have prepared the Demonstration of Need and Demonstration of Consistency permits for the Class II landfill expansion, and as part of this process, we developed expansion concepts for the County. We have also completed the wetlands delineation required for the expansion permitting.

Environmental Services

LaBella has provided groundwater, surface water, and landfill gas monitoring and reporting services, as well as private water supply well sampling services. We have also installed groundwater monitoring wells and gas probes.

LaBella has also worked with York County to satisfy the requirements of groundwater corrective action monitoring, reporting, and active remediation system design. We collaborated with York County and the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) to develop a remedial strategy for the impacts to groundwater near the Travis Acres subdivision, selecting groundwater pump-and-treat as the most appropriate remedial strategy. Additionally, our team designed the pump-and-treat system, and as part of this process, we coordinated critical meetings with SCDES staff as well as the Assessment of Corrective Measures public meeting.

Convenience Center Permitting & Design Services

LaBella was selected by York County to provide a range of professional engineering services (design, permitting, bidding, and construction quality assurance) for the new Fort Mill Convenience Center.

We performed a geotechnical investigation, which indicated challenging site conditions, and worked with the Army Corp of Engineers to obtain a Jurisdictional Determination and Nationwide Permit to disturb a portion of wetlands found onsite. Our team also prepared conceptual site layouts that met the client’s needs, while addressing the site conditions, zoning requirements and restrictions, and protected wetland areas. Additionally, we worked with York County Planning & Development for the approval of the site plan drawings.

We prepared a construction stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) that was also approved by York County and the SCDES. Once the site was permitted and the site layout and SWPPP was approved, a bid package was prepared for the County to solicit bids, and Leitner Construction Company was awarded the bid. The construction phase implemented a geotechnical site repair plan to improve site conditions, and construction of the site was completed in 2019.