Solid Waste Engineering Services for Greenwood County, SC

A Cornucopia of Solid Waste Services for Greenwood County

LaBella has provided solid waste consulting services to Greenwood County since 2006.

Specific services performed by our team include the following:

  • Construction Phase Services
  • Landfill Permitting & Design Services
  • Operations Services
  • Engineering Services

Examples of Our Project Experience With Greenwood County

Construction Phase Services

LaBella prepared construction plans, specifications, and contract documents for the construction of Cell 3 (approximately 18 acres) of the Class III landfill.

We also performed construction oversight and prepared the construction quality assurance (CQA) documentation report for the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) to confirm that Cell 3 was constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications of the permit documents.

Additionally, our team prepared construction plans, specifications, and contract documents for the construction of the partial closure (approximately 10 acres) of Cell 2 of the Class III landfill.

Landfill Permitting & Design Services

We prepared a major permit modification to expand the Class II landfill.

In 2017, LaBella prepared a minor permit modification application to remove the permitted benches on Cell 3 of the Class III landfill and gain additional capacity. To qualify for a minor permit modification and eliminate the need for a public meeting/approval process, the gained capacity was deducted from the unconstructed Cell 4. The SCDES agreed to allow the County to address the additional airspace in the upcoming major permit modification for Cells 4 through 8.

In 2022, Greenwood County selected LaBella to rephase Cells 4 through 8 at the Class III landfill, and to complete the associated engineering design and permitting. This work will include both a minor and major permit modification.

Operational Services

In 2019, after a SCDES inspector noted a number of leachate seeps, we assisted the County staff in efforts to identify the source of the leachate

LaBella provided onsite guidance to County staff to excavate Cell 3 sumps and promote leachate drainage from the landfill sumps.

In 2020, we prepared a trap design that helped the County collect landfill gas from Cell 3 cleanouts, without oxygen intrusion, at a relatively low construction cost.


Engineering Services

Since 2006, LaBella has prepared capacity study reports and required annual SCDES reports for the Class II and Class III landfills.

We have also provided County environmental consultants with survey data and information required for the annual greenhouse gas reports and Title V air permit.