Station 26 Tailrace Wall Extension
Extending the Genesee River’s Station 26 Hydropower Facility Tailrace Wall
The Station 26 hydropower facility was constructed in 1952 and generates 3MW with a Kaplan turbine unit. LaBella provided project management, design, and permitting services to upgrade the tailrace wall and install a new stop log gantry system. A cofferdam was designed for the contractor, which was constructed out of steel forms to divert the river water around the construction area.
The tailrace wall was raised one foot to reduce the likelihood of overtopping while not increasing the water surface elevation in the Genesee River during a flood event. A FEMA Floodplain Development Permit, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approval, Army Corps Nationwide Permit, DEC 401 Water Quality Certification, and local building permits were obtained prior to starting demolition work. Consultations were conducted with the USFWS, NY State Historic Preservation Office, and the City of Rochester to ensure the project complied with all stakeholder requirements.
The first 170 feet of the wall closest to the plant was removed and replaced completely, with localized concrete patching made to the remaining 130 feet. Two new stop logs, each weighing 13,000 pounds, will be supported by a new mechanized hoist system including new platform framing, grating, handrails ladders, concrete deck, and draft tube access. Mechanical, electrical, lighting, and controls upgrades create a fully operational system.