Village and Town of Greenwich Brownfield Opportunity Area Nomination
Intermunicipal Planning Leads to a Successful BOA Designation in Greenwich, NY
LaBella worked with the Village and Town of Greenwich to prepare a Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) Nomination Study. The intermunicipal planning initiative focused on three overarching goals: reactivating key underutilized and vacant properties, improving waterfront access, and improving connectivity.
The former Dunbarton Mill property, a nine-acre former industrial waterfront property that was largely destroyed in a fire in the early 2000s, was a key focus of the plan. Developing a vision for the site involved multiple site visits, developer forums, structural assessments of the remaining on-site buildings, and public input. Additional underutilized sites were prioritized based on their location and development feasibility, including property owner engagement and a detailed market analysis of future residential and commercial demand.
The waterfront access recommendations envision reconnecting to the Battenkill River, an underutilized, largely inaccessible river that runs through the Village’s downtown. Recommendations to improve connectivity between the two municipalities include exploring recreational trail, increasing pedestrian safety, and streetscape enhancements. LaBella led an extensive, multi-pronged approach to engagement during the pandemic, leading to a publicly supported plan that was adopted by both municipalities in February 2022.
The Village’s study area received formal BOA designation and recently secured United States Environmental Protection Agency Brownfield funding.