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In Session: Fall 2017

The Fall Semester is In Session

Fall is a season of change, and nowhere is that more true than in our schools. Each September, students start new grades, with new teachers, in new classrooms. If you’re an educator, chances are you spent part of your summer preparing that classroom for a new group of students. You made choices about the classroom elements you can control, like arranging furniture, hanging visual aids, and organizing supplies.

But, have you ever stepped back from thinking about what your classroom should look like, and thought about what it should do? Dr. Robert Dillon, educator and author, is renowned for exploring that question. We hosted Dr. Dillon this fall for a pair of workshops where we delved into the ideal classroom. From the loftiest ideas to practical enhancements, our designers were inspired to find ways for the physical environment to support new pedagogies.

We’re committed to being a resource and an advocate for our clients. We hope you will enjoy this issue, and contact us at if we can explore a topic of interest to you.

School’s In Session

It’s easy to rest on the expertise acquired in over 30 years of design for K-12.  We’ve completed over $800 million in Capital Projects for schools and along the way we’ve learned a thing or two.

However, we believe experience alone isn’t enough to add real value to our clients. Just as our industry and business has evolved, so has education.  The science of learning has advanced, and so too must our classrooms.

In Session is an awareness that for us, school is always in session. We continue to seek opportunities to learn from experts in pedagogy, benchmark projects from across the country, and explore new material and technology applications.  We spend time researching the questions and issues facing our clients and share what we learn here with you.

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