Timber Trails Forest Farm Net Zero Eco-Maple Energy Study
Helping Timber Trails Forest Farm Become a Net Zero Carbon Facility
LaBella was engaged to evaluate the energy efficiency of the Eco-Maple Production Barn and perform a cost/benefit analysis on the feasibility of becoming a net zero carbon facility. Net zero carbon calculations were performed consistent with the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Zero Carbon certification requirements. A detailed energy model was developed using EnergyPlus software to model the building’s year-round performance, as well as proposed changes to the design. The existing facility consists of a surface water geothermal system serving a radiant floor heating system, as well as a high efficiency building envelope and LED lighting systems.
Energy conservation measures (ECMs) that aimed to increase energy efficiency, reduce maintenance costs, and maintain a fossil fuel free design were evaluated. These ECMs included occupancy controls for the lighting systems and temperature setback for the heating setpoint. In addition to the recommended ECMs, a rooftop photovoltaic array was modeled to help achieve net zero carbon design. The recommended course of action to achieve carbon net zero with respect to economic payback is to implement the recommended ECMs and install a 36.4 kW solar array on the roof of the building.