Yonkers, NY Due Diligence Project
Suite of Due Diligence Services Successfully Completed
Located just blocks from the Hudson River in Yonkers, New York, the planned development property had a rich history dating back to the 1800s but has been mostly vacant for decades. LaBella’s team of environmental professionals partnered with the client to complete a Phase I ESA, Phase II ESA, Asbestos Survey, and Site Suitability Analysis at the property as part of a planned affordable housing development.
Historical records reviewed as part of the Phase I ESA identified historical dry cleaning facilities both on and adjacent to the property, as well as the likely presence of historical fill material and potential for orphan underground storage tanks. Based on the potential for chlorinated solvent contamination from the former dry cleaning operations and the presence of heavy metals and other contaminants related to historical fill material, a Phase II ESA was completed.
The Phase II ESA included a geophysical survey to assess for orphan tanks, as well as the advancement of over 25 soil borings and soil vapor points. Based on the impacts identified at the site by the Phase II ESA, an application to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Brownfield Cleanup Program is pending.
On a parallel path, LaBella’s team has completed a Site Suitability Analysis in accordance with NYS Homes and Community Renewal’s guidelines to evaluate suitability for housing based on potential environmental justice concerns, air emissions, noise impacts, contamination, industrial facilities, rail hazards, and many other possible concerns.
An upcoming asbestos survey will include a comprehensive assessment of interior and exterior building materials for asbestos and sample analysis using LaBella’s in-house asbestos laboratory.