Libraries With a Futurist Feel
Eastridge High School’s library received a complete overhaul of new finishes, furniture, and a new circulation desk. Vibrant shades of blue emphasized District branding, while tones from wood-look luxury vinyl tile flooring warmed the space and created spaces-within-space for students to gather. To align with the progressive methodology of the District’s technology vision, new furniture was selected to feature power and data connectivity, as well as complement the refreshed interior space. All pieces were specified with flexibility in mind, allowing the space to be used as a library, lounge, large gathering space, and functions that have yet to be imagined. Additionally, individual student work spaces are built into the wall for students to use in their free periods throughout the school day.
It’s All About School Pride
Ivan Green Primary School’s library features smaller spaces for teacher and student reading and collaboration spaces. Energizing hues of blue and yellow evoked sunny skies and created a sense of wonder throughout the space. The school’s “Be Enthusiastic About Reading” program inspired custom graphics for wallcovering and decals featured hand-drawn, playful bears reading books and peeking out from behind blocks of color. Primary colors were featured throughout all interior finishes and furnishings, including acoustical clouds and panels, child-appropriate furniture, and carpeting. Mobile book stacks were specified to allow for maximum flexibility within the space and were arranged in a radiating pattern for maximum sightlines from the librarian’s office to all parts of the library.
Shading for Optimal Comfort
Because the main building façade has southern exposure, a large cantilevered overhang was designed in analysis of the sun angles throughout the school year to assist in shading the large storefront system as well as limiting solar heat gain within the space. The fifteen foot overhang also shades and protects a portion of the outdoor learning space that teachers frequently utilize in their curriculum with the planting beds in the courtyard.
Citation Award Winner
LaBella Associates is proud to announce that the Library Upgrades at Ivan Green Primary School has been recognized by the American Institute of Architects Rochester Chapter as a recipient of a 2020 Citation Award.
The link below features additional information on the award and project, as well as hearing detailed conversations with Architect, Justin Shaffer, and Interior Designer, Danielle Lewis.
AIA 2020 Design Award Recipients
Featured in the Spring 2018 In Session Issue
With the shift to the classrooms of the future and the evolution of technology based learning, more and more school districts are looking at ways to modernize and renovate their facilities. When integrating 1:1 learning into your design, not only will you be looking at furniture and finishes, but the technology that goes along with it. LaBella’s K-12 Studio Manager Kevin Rademacher, AIA sat down with East Irondequoit CSD Chief Information Officer Joseph Sutorius to discuss 1:1 initiatives and how to successfully implement them.